Read and you will know
Published on February 4, 2012 By Blindprincess In Object Desktop

I just renewed my object desktop early  on the websight with serials it has my 2013 date but I can not get impluse to update I even took out the code for object desktop and readded it and it still says 2012 how long does it take to update on impluse.  it is the same serial number for 2012 and 2013 thanks



Tia Jenkins

on Feb 04, 2012

Impulse isn't used anymore for the Object Desktop apps and the renewal will never show on it. Impulse is now a games distribution platform owned by GameStop.  Stardock is working on another app manager and until it is done the app installers need to be downloaded from here

They are stand-alone installers which require only a double-click to run, no software manager.  Sometimes an uninstall of the previous version is required via Impulse.

on Feb 06, 2012

Impulse isn't used anymore for the Object Desktop apps and the renewal will never show on it. Impulse is now a games distribution platform owned by GameStop.  Stardock is working on another app manager and until it is done the app installers need to be downloaded from here

They are stand-alone installers which require only a double-click to run, no software manager.  Sometimes an uninstall of the previous version is required via Impulse.

What he said.  You can also see a preview of the new downloader here: